With the help of a bereavement support group and loving friends and family, I grieved and healed and, finally, while forever cherishing the loving memory of my late-husband, went on to a new life of purpose, joy, and eventually, love.
This experience lead me to write THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF: The Journey Through Loss to Life and Laughter (Sourcebooks, Inc.) with the help of my co-author, Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., a psychotherapist specializing in grief counseling and the Director of H.O.P.E. Unit Foundation in Los Angeles, an honored bereavement support group. Along with my story, this book offers her vision of healing with tools, not psychobabble, a blueprint as it were, to help others face their loss, mourn, and eventually, heal.
This book is also the story of other men and women -- spouses and life-partners -- willing to share their experience so that others might benefit. Dr. Stolzman and I felt it important to also include a Workbook to help others to explore their feelings in a positive way in order to facilitate healing, and to provide important and much needed resources where both the traditional and non-traditional communities can turn to for help.
After co-authoring THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF, many readers asked: "What's next? Must my life be forever without a spouse or partner?